Interview with Tania Gabrielle: Back by Popular Demand

Tania reveals what 2016 has install for us and what to expect over the next 12 months as an entrepreneur. She also goes deep into your own personal code for Numerology.

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Tania Gabrielle introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts: cc tania
– Astrology and Numerology to the Western World.

As a Wealth Astro-Numerologist, spiritual teacher, personal oracle to her clients, author and classical composer, Tania uses the frequencies in letters, numbers and the stars to inspire others to a life of wealth and fulfillment. Tania has coached thousands of clients and entrepreneurs worldwide, helping them to design abundant lives by unlocking the secrets in their birth code, checking the vibration of their current name, and revealing the opportunities in their future astro-numerology cycles.

Tania’s insights have being published on the front page of USA TODAY newspaper edition and, in Entertainment Weekly, ESPN Magazine and online in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Essence Magazine,, US Magazine and on Sirius XM Radio.

Her uplifting free Weekly Forecast Videos and Full and New Moon videos reach tens of thousands of readers worldwide. As the creator of “Numerology Academy”™ – the first online certification course integrating two ancient spiritual modalities, Astrology and Numerology – Tania has taught and certified hundreds of coaches and healers.

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