Category Archives: Cashflow Candy

Interview with Rosetta Thurman: The Blogging School

The ‘Happy Black Women’ blog was born from Rosetta deciding to create an online journal of her travels to dating to the food & wine that she loves. Unbeknownst to Rosetta, the blog was going to skyrocket past her ‘proper’ blog.

Today, Rosetta teaches other female entrepreneurs how to create successful blogs through her talented blogging school, that not only helps you connect through your writing but also allows you to build a location-free business.

Interview with Barb de Corti: Backyard Business to A Multimillion Dollar Giant

As the mother of a young son who suffered from asthma, Barb de Corti was introduced to the ENJO microfibre household cleaning products while on holiday in Europe. Barb quickly saw the potential to change the lives of allergy and Asthma sufferers in Australia, by introducing them to a safer and easier way to clean their homes, and ENJO Australia was established in 1994.

Her astonishing success story from back-yard business to a national million dollar company sees her in constant demand as a motivational speaker and mentor for other business operators…

Interview with Barbara Turley

Are you working crazy hours and feeling overwhelmed?

Are you suffering from “I can’t afford staff” but you can’t grow your business without one?

In this interview you will learn, how cost effective it is to hire a virtual assistant (also known as a V.A.), how to train them, the biggest mistake to avoid when you have one.

Interview with Tania Gabrielle – Your Personal Wealth Code

What if you found out there was a secret code that would help unlock your fullest potential? Because there is according to Tania Gabrielle.

Do you ever feel like you are trying to get your life together but something happens to make it more challenging? You do get there in the end but you seem to have chosen the harder route, or maybe life just kept throwing you curved balls?