OMG Season 4…We Are Back!!!

Last year we had our biggest season for Herpreneur Podcast releasing interviews weekly. To be honest, it stretched me as our business (The Sales Institute) was going through massive growth and I had stepped into the CEO role.

Over time guilt started to creep in.

The feeling that I was taking hours out of a high-generating business and focusing on launching a new episode every week started to kick in big time. The goalposts had changed and the process of my third year of podcasting started to lose its fun. The turnaround time was fast, my team was also being stretched using all resources to keep our weekly promise.

Then an universal message landed in my lap…

It was in the middle of interviewing Samantha Wills (episode 123). Samantha said something that resonated so deep like a bolt of lightning had struck me.

I asked her “What was the moment when you knew it was time to wrap up and walk away from your $10M company?”

Samantha who is globally known for building one of Australia’s best-known accessories brands responded with “I started to work with my head and not with my heart”

At that moment, I got my message.

I needed time out. I needed to pause the show.

I wanted space to feel my internal compass. To feel if the show is aligned with what I want to do in the world. If it was even important to me?

Episode 124 came out. It is called ‘Show Closure – Special Message’

I shared with the audience how I was feeling. I believe in full transparency as I want to give other women permission to speak out if things feel out of alignment.

The very next hour, I notified all upcoming women who were lined up to be interviewed.

That was August 4th, 2021.

Suddenly last week out of the blue I made a connection on LinkedIn. This woman was so inspiring in her journey of business before I knew it, I started typing “I’d love to interview you in Season 4 of the Herpreneur show”

And just like that, the sparkle was back!

I said to myself, I just need to set new rules, new boundaries. A new format that suits where I am in life as a CEO.

I’ll go back to fortnightly releases as that was when it was fun, it’s less pressure on the team and most importantly can banish the feeling of guilt, having a huge split focus every week.

So, I’m super proud to say The Herpreneur show is back! I’m Back and super pumped!

Mentions on the show:

Follow Annette’s new Facebook and Instagram page

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