Tag Archives: Woman in Business

The Story of AlmoMilk with Linda Monique

What do you do when a manufacturer steals the ingredients of your premium product?

You pivot into a market that they are too scared to go into. Some of our greatest challenges in business turn out to be our biggest opportunities as Linda Monique explains today about her journey with her premium almond milk that is now Australia wide in the biggest supermarket chains that we know.

A great story about a value-based business that is driven on helping individuals have a healthier life. A great story about a purpose-driven business.

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Mentions on the show

Australian Government Grants

AlmoMilk’s website

About Linda Monique

Linda has over 10 years of experience in the Food and Marketing Industry. A driven entrepreneur and change maker, her focus has been to push boundaries, always.

She initiates projects and runs businesses that address unmet consumer needs. Working as a serial entrepreneur and marketing consultant for corporate clients, she often combines technology and her expertise in branding, food and global retail.

Currently, Linda is the CEO and Founder of Almo Milk, an Australian almond beverage company which she launched in 2015. Whilst launching Almo Milk and even to this day, Linda continues to shape the Food & Beverage industry, consulting for Nestec (Nestle Switzerland), Akkomplice Group (Kellogg’s) and Coles Supermarkets (Digital).

Before moving back to Australia, Linda worked in London and Milan where she lectured in Food Design at Milan NABA University, worked as a private assistant to an FMCG Global Retail Director, exhibited as a Designer at Milan Design Week and collaborated with Andaz (Hyatt Hotels) in a range of experiential events for London Design Festival.

Her experiences overseas were pivotal in shaping her approach to business. Linda has received multiple awards and accolades throughout her career, from her peers and industry professionals, most notably, The Victorian Telstra Young Business Woman of the Year 2018 and Wallpaper Magazine Next Generation Award.



[ENCORE] ‘Showpo’…The story of the global fashion empire with Jane Lu

Jane Lu, Showpo’s founder, tells a funny story about her entrepreneurial journey.

You can’t argue with her determination to make her story a success.

With a revenue of over $85 million in 2019, the company set a new high in 2019. That’s a $75 million rise since I did this interview in 2017 (wow, growth on steroids!).

And her goal is to reach $100 million in annual revenue by 2020. About 40% of that revenue now comes from overseas sales.

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Jane is the Founder and CEO of the online fashion store Showpo.

Showpo is focus is on being on-trend, affordable and providing exceptional customer service and fast delivery. Jane previously worked in corporate finance, but after returning from overseas travels, couldn’t adjust back to cubicle life and quit her job to start her own business.

Her first business failed, however, it was a stepping stone to building Showpo to where it is today. What started off with a laptop and 2 shelves of clothing in her parents’ garage in September 2010, through being disruptive in the retail and social media space has made, Showpo now a well-known and loved clothing store for girls around the world.

Jane has also recently co-founded a business group encouraging and supporting female entrepreneurship. With the cheeky name “Like-Minded Bitches Drinking Wine” this group has now 147.5K  fans on Facebook and hosts monthly free events to promote women in business.


Into The Spotlight with Nicola Moras

How does a person who comes from a small town have 28k followers on Social media….because she knows how to stand out and be VISIBLE.

Coach and Author Nicola Moras, shares her journey about stepping INTO THE SPOTLIGHT; non-coincidence is the name of her second book.

She also shares why not to get hooked on vanity metrics and how to help make your business a financially successful one.

Stay in contact with me here:

Follow Annette’s new Facebook and Instagram page

Mentions on the show:

Nicola’s website
Nicola’s Instagram
Nicola’s Facebook
Goodie Bag


Small Business Silver Linings with Carissa Reiniger

A story of having the courage to change everything you had created to get your product to market fit right.

What’s now in 24 countries and has over 10,000 users, this software company went through the wringer before finally hitting its stride.

In this episode, Carissa Reiniger the founder and CEO of Small Business Silver Linings shares how she never gave up to get her software company into the hands of small business owners to make a proper change in their growth.

We hear first hand about the importance of mixing Integrity, profit and doing good for the world into your business. 



Stay in contact with me here:

Follow Annette’s new Facebook and Instagram page

Mentions on the show:

Small Biz Silver Lining website – https://smallbizsilverlining.com 
Covid Business Assessment – https://smallbizsilverlining.com/covid-business-assessment/
Covid Response Workbook – https://bit.ly/COVID19SMBWORKBOOK
Carissa Reiniger’s email – carissa@smallbizsilverlining.com
FREE ON Demand SMB Workshop – https://smallbizsilverlining.com/slapintensive/


About Carissa

Carissa Reiniger is the Founder & CEO of Silver Lining Ltd. She started Silver Lining in 2005
and created the Silver Lining Action Plan – SLAP! – A methodology that has helped over
10,000+ small business owners in over 24 countries set – and hit their growth goals. She has
worked with major organizations such as Google, The White House, Hewlett-Packard,
Intuit, Citi Cards, Staples, Citrix, and American Airlines to bring more resources and support
to small businesses. She and her work has been featured in places such as The New York
Times, The National Post, The Globe and Mail, Inc Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine,
Forbes and BizJournal. She is on a mission to help more small business owners make
money doing what they love because she genuinely believes that we CAN change the
economy one small business at a time.


How Self Love Can Help Your Business with Dr. Jane Tornatore

This topic is for anyone who never feels good enough; always comparing yourself to others and feeling like everyone has it more together than you. Or perhaps you have done a lot of self help books and courses but still looking for that missing thing.

Today, Dr Jane Tornatore who is an incredible energetic beam of light to interview unravels the language that is killing our daily vibe and the exact words we can use to flick the switch to empower us immediately. She also shares how self-love can integrate your business to become more successful.

Author of the book Everything Is Perfect, Just Not Me! Dr Jane Tornatore has her own practice for 14yrs and dedicated her work now helping you really move the needle to be more powerful version of yourself.



Stay in contact with me here:

Follow Annette’s new Facebook and Instagram page

Mentions on the show:

Dr Jane website
Dr. Jane’s Book – Everything Is Perfect, Just Not Me! 


About Dr. Jane

Dr. Jane Tornatore is a therapist, speaker and author based in Seattle, WA. She has been in private practice for 15 years. Her style incorporates compassion, curiosity, deep listening, and heartfelt optimism, along with powerful shots of playfulness. Jane has dedicated her career and her life to helping people love themselves and have self-compassion.

She received a Master’s degree at the University of Illinois, and a PhD at the University of Minnesota. Before going into private practice, she spent two decades working in the field of Alzheimer’s, including research and working for the Alzheimer’s Association. She has authored over 20 articles and published a book—Everything is Perfect, Just Not ME! A Roadmap for Self-Acceptance.



Disrupting for Justice with Barrister and Founder, Laura Keily

If you are about to disrupt an industry this interview is for you!

She was at the forefront of changing the Justice system in bringing court hearings online.

For two years Laura Keily had been in the background building an online platform (think something like Zoom for Lawyers) that was about to totally distrust the Law In Court system.

Little did Laura know that only 5 months after launching, COVID was going to hit and her business software was about tone in need urgently…globally!

Today, we hear about the story of Immediation, an online dispute resolution platform with the Founder and Managing Director Laura Keily.


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Follow Annette’s new Facebook and Instagram page

Mentions on the show:


Immediation website
Laura Keily’s LinkedIn


About Laura

Laura Keily (BSc, LLB (Hons), MCommrclLaw, GDipDisRes, GAICD, FCIArb) is the Founder and Managing Director of Immediation. Immediation aims to catalyse justice, providing virtual courtrooms and mediation rooms to the legal profession and Courts and Tribunals including the Commonwealth Courts of Australia, and pioneering online dispute resolution services for businesses and consumers.

Laura is also a practising barrister, specialising in commercial, corporate and financial services litigation, and a qualified international arbitrator. Prior to joining the Bar, Laura was a corporate mergers and acquisitions lawyer. She has over 13 years’ experience in top tier firms, including in the Magic Circle in London. She has advised Boards and executives in listed, public and large private companies, government, and not-for-profits. She has worked on high value and high-risk transactions across a range of sectors. For example, at Slaughter and May in London, she was the lead Senior Associate on the global sale of hotels by Hilton Hotels International to Hilton USA, (£3 billion). Driven by a belief in social equity, Laura is passionate about levelling the playing field including by access to justice and by affirmative action.

Laura is also a qualified scientist and trained musician with an ongoing interest in classical and choral singing, and jamming with her two children, aged 12 and 9. Laura also enjoys dance, martial arts and power-lifting.

Under Laura’s leadership, Immediation won the 2020 YBF Startup and Innovation Awards for ‘Best Legal Project, Product or Pivot’, the Australian ADR Awards ‘ADR Innovator of the Year’ Award in 2019 and also was the winner of the Legal Tech Summit in 2018. Laura also recently won the ‘People’s Choice Award’ at the 2020 SBE Springboard Dolphin Tank and ‘Innovator of the Year 2020’ from the Women’s Barristers Association. She was a finalist in the Women in Law Awards for ‘Barrister of the Year’ in 2016 and 2017 and finalist in the Women’s Agenda, Leadership Awards in 2016 in the legal category and in 2019 for ‘Innovator of the Year’.


Money Beautifully with Polly Alexandre

Do you freak out when it’s time to ‘ask for the sale’ with your customer or scared they’ll say “no thank you” to your prices so you are forever discounting?

Polly Alexandre is a transformative & intuitive healer around Money.

She is spot on the money (pardon the pun) when she shares the exact reasons why you aren’t getting the flow of cash you want and deserve in life.

Polly shares that there are 15 money blocks most women have and walks us through two hacks you can do right now to start getting into alignment.

Stay in contact with me here:

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Mentions on the show :

Polly’s Podcast
Polly’s website

FREE GIFT – Manifest More Money
About Polly

Polly is a certified Master Coach and Intuitive Healer, & holds a degree in Psychology. Clearing Money Blocks is her superpower and she blends her extensive transformational coaching experience & intuitive healing abilities, with 15 years of experience as an entrepreneur.

Polly is the creator of Money Beautifully, a proven programme to clear your money blocks, and uses powerful energy clearing techniques, meditations & transformational coaching to help people write a new story about money.

Polly also runs Thrive Beautifully, a comprehensive Business, Money & Energy Mastermind for spiritual entrepreneurs, where she helps change-makers, visionary creatives and spiritual leaders fulfil their soul’s purpose and create businesses where they can use their creative & spiritual gifts to change the world.


How To Sell On Messenger

This is something that’s blowing up right now! It will help you get more qualified leads, clients or customer to buy.

If you find you have an inconsistency in leads right now; or seem to have people ghosting you on messenger after they have put an enquiry forward, you need to listen to this today.

Today, I give you a snapshot on how to filter through high-quality leads and convert them into a sale PLUS how to create a passive flow of leads…for FREE!

Mentions on the show:

Convert Club
Sell by Chat – done for you Madeomni 
Taki Moore

Virtual assistance companies
The Virtual Hub
Virtual Elves

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📲 Listen on iTunes – https://apple.co/3rlGVu3

5 Reasons Why You’ll Lose A Sale

You’re about to be armed with one of the biggest game-changing pieces of sales knowledge I could probably teach you.

I’d even go as far to say this:

1. You wouldn’t have heard most of these tips before.
2. You’re probably doing at least 3 of the 5 mistakes unconsciously.

And with the speedy shift of new platforms to sell from such as webinars, podcast and Facebook lives

…I’ve been seeing some brand new mistakes occurring (and some of the old ones as well) which are all costing you the sale!

The good news is they are super easy to fix.

… And super easy NOT to fix if you let your unconscious habits take over.

Let’s see how many of these mistakes you are doing.

I’m sure that you’ll thank me for this!


Stay in contact with me here:

Follow Annette’s new Facebook and Instagram page

Mentions on the show

Access to Annette laying out the 5 steps for you
Access Free Sales Training Video Here




📲 Listen on iTunes – https://apple.co/3rlGVu3

Money Therapy with Jennifer Love

“Each of us carries an ingrained unconscious idea of just how happy and successful we can be. By learning to identify and transcend these self-imposed upper limits we can expand our potential for happiness and abundance”

Jennifer Love

How does your relationship with money show up for you?

Did you know, you will continually replay the same story…same lessons until you dig deep to fix the unconscious self-sabotaging that goes on and creates our limiting beliefs.

So the good news us today, Money Therapist Jennifer Love, helps unpack were a lot of your money concerns started from and how she helps you move through it.

Stay in contact with me here:
Facebook and Instagram page

Mentions on the show today:

Jennifers website – https://jenniferlove.com/
Facebook – @TheJenniferLove
Instagram – @thejenniferlove

Money Metamorphosis Event –  http://bit.ly/MoneyMetamorphosisEvent

Jennifer Bio:

I’m rated among the top 5% of advisors globally and my mission as a Money Therapist is helping leaders build what I call TRUE WEALTH. This takes the stress out of the money equation so they can effectively raise, make, manage, and give money IT ALSO creates deep soulful satisfaction in key areas of their lives.

On a given day, I may be found diving deep with a leader in a private money therapy session, serving as a judge for events like Startup Weekend, on stage sharing my research and views as a Wealth Philosopher, preparing entrepreneurs to land a shark on Shark Tank, advising a client behind the scenes of shows like Biz Fix with Marcus Lemonis, meeting with community leaders and government officials, negotiating with investors, advising leaders of Fortune 200 companies and celebrities in developing their True Wealth, OR at home enjoying time with my sweetheart John and fur-baby Maggie.


📲 Listen on iTunes – https://apple.co/3rlGVu3