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Tag Archives: online selling

4 Easy Game-changing Ways to Sell Online

Is your website causing you to lose customers?

You spent so much money and time stressing over your great design, your logo, being on-target with your messaging.

You then learnt about call-to-actions, adding valuable content, having an opt-in… but it’s still not converting.

Why isn’t it converting? Your customers don’t make a buying decision solely using content from your site.

Unless they have seen you speak, read your book, watched your demonstration videos, or have researched the product enough to feel like they truly understand what they are getting, 99.7% of them won’t buy.

Why is that so? Because your prospects need to evaluate your offering, believe your claims are credible, and understand what you’re like to work with—all from within your site.

Leaving these key ingredients out of a customers purchasing criteria has the questions unanswered and interrupts the conversion as you have now created a barrier to buying.

So here it is….

The 4 ‘Ridiculously EASY’ Game-changing Ways to Sell Online:

1. Images Sounds simple right? But most people only have one image shown of their product.

  • The more angles you can show the better.
  • If it’s a packaged product, show the contents that’s inside the package and separate image of each product outside the packaging. An image of someone using the product.
  • If it’s a box or CD set show the actual student books, how many CDs.
  • If it’s a piece of clothing they will want to see the front, back, side and how it looks on a model. The more photos…the easier the conversion.


2. Videos: Many people don’t buy online as they feel as though they need to touch the product. I had a friend once say “I can never buy a handbag online as I need to feel it on my shoulder and look in the mirror and know how it looks when I’m wearing it”.

Though months later she purchased a bag online as the online store had a video of the model wearing it on her shoulder, then swapping it to hang over her elbow.

Videos are the closest thing to helping the prospect feel like it’s real life and significantly sky rockets your sales.

Because the customer cannot physically touch the product or be in your presence if you are the service. Videos fast track the relationship between you and them. Same goes with a product.

A video helps get three sensors involved, visual, auditory and
Kinaesthetic. Now you might be surprised to see Kinaesthetic here, it’s in the way the video ignites feeling as though they are there in the moment (emotional feeling…but obviously they can’t touch).

I purchased a baby’s cot online purely because the video showed how quietly the rail slide up and down so it wouldn’t wake the baby when putting him down.


3.Free trials. Can someone experience your work, services as a tester or a trial? This helps increase your conversions significantly as the person can physically experience the value of their full investment.

You might have a free download:

  • E-book
  • Infographic
  • Video training series
  • A mini-course
  • A tester/sample of the product
  • A trial period.

I had a trial period on Amazon S3 (massive cloud storage for my podcasts and online training program). I was able to experience what it was like to load my content up and place links in my website to transfer the education. It was so simple I ended up purchasing…it was a no-brainer. What can you create for your customers to showcase a little of your services/product?

4. FAQ’s: Sounds crazy simple right, but the reason why people don’t buy is because they have an objection, and that merely is an unanswered question. If you sell products, ensure you have Frequently Asked Questions as an easy-to-find tab at the top or bottom of your page.

HOT TIP:  Even have it as a tab on every sales page so when the person clicks the link it actually pops up as a box so when they close it they are still on the products page.

By implementing these for simple yet TRULY POWERFUL online selling strategies will have your website be viewed as current, transparent, and have your customer feel super confident about your products and services. And that will convert!

Success & Happiness
Annette Lackovic


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