Tag Archives: HerBusiness

How To Increase Attendance in Group Coaching Programs

How To Increase Attendance in Group Coaching Programs

As coaches, we can feel major pressure of getting our clients results, ensuring they stay motivated not to mention the burden when they want to cancel and it’s a  long term contractual coaching programs (such as Masterminds & Group Coaching programs)

We are all human, and understand that our clients can get demotivated from time to time. But the last thing you want is to have them completely fall off the wagon.

I don’t know if you have ever had the feeling of the realisation that you haven’t seen a member of your group for months…let’s just say it can be a nerve-racking feeling and there’s always that internal feeling like you should’ve realised sooner and reached out to them.

Or even worse…

… you realise it when their membership is about to finish and now you have no hope of getting them to resign as it has been ‘a waste of money’ in their mind.

I’ve been there. Hence, why I am passionate about walking you through this, as it’s 3 very easy fixes.

Today, I share with you easy-to-do strategies to help boost the attendance rate of your coaching group programs and allow you to introduce a 5-star service that will help you sleep soundly at night.

So many of us are focused on 12-month membership sales for memberships, mastermind programs, and contractual agreements.

And if you don’t have the behind-the-scenes infrastructure to help the unmotivated turn-up, then you’ll have a very hard time renewing them…more importantly delivering what you promise.

So today, I’m going to share with you our CONVERT Club Customer Care process that we do to record the attendance in a group coaching program:

  • The importance of a ‘kick off call’
  • The Scoreboard spreadsheet
  • The ‘30-day and 45-day non-attender’ email
  • “The Fluffer” – What is it and why it’s important
  • 90-day before renewal touch point

Mentions on the show:

Follow Annette’s new Facebook and Instagram page
Guest Ticket ‘DRIVE Sales Summit’

Watch video of this Episode below.


HerBusiness with Suzi Dafnis

Starting in her spare bedroom to building an $18Mil business; it’s safe to say Suzi knows a thing or two about business.

Suzi Danfis, CEO of HerBusiness, lead the way in building one of Australia’s largest community of business women. She was one of the very first early adopters to online education through webinars (on GoTo Webinar…zoom didn’t even exist back then!) sharing world class experts and education sessions to her members. Yours truly even graced the opportunity to teach her members a session on Sales Conversions…I remember it like it was yesterday even though it was approx 11 years ago.

Today, HerBusiness is a global brand teaching entrepreneurs how to grow their business, get results and how to effectively scale their business without overwhelm.

In this interview, you’ll learn:

The evolution of HerBusiness
The #1 obstacle business women face
The Most Important thing any business owners needs to have to get growth without overwhelm
The elements of business that helps it be more sustainable
The 5 Day Find Your Focus Challenge

Mentions on the show:

Follow Annette’s new Facebook and Instagram page

FREE: 5 Day Find Your Focus Challenge

HerBusiness Website

HerBusiness Facebook

About Suzi

Suzi Dafnis is the CEO of HerBusiness, a collaborative online community of women who are growing and scaling a business.

Her BIG passion is helping women business owners to create the impact, the income and the results that they want through their business and to do what they love, every day.

For over 25 years HerBusiness has provided mentoring and training to help women grow a sustainable business. To move away from a hobby business to profitable, viable business.

Suzi started her first business in the spare room of her home in my late 20s, with no savings and no business degree and built that into an $18million business with 45 staff and offices in Australia, New Zealand and the USA.

She has grown multiple multimillion-dollar businesses.
•Online businesses
•Offline businesses.
•Product-based businesses.
•And service businesses.

Suzi is passionate about personal development and the inner game of being an entrepreneur – the mindset, confidence and willingness to show up as yourself, each and every day.

A love of learning and knowledge, Suzi sources the best education, mentors and resources from around the globe, to help her HerBusiness Network members get the information, skills, knowledge and support they need to succeed.

An early adopter to social media, Suzi had been podcasting and running webinars since since 2007. Suzi and her team have been recognised through multiple awards including City of Sydney’s best educational business, Best online mentoring program, Best Business Blog, and the Woman of Influence Award.