Tag Archives: gastric sleeve

Ep#36 – Surgical Weight Loss Procedures

Research now shows that if you are in a particular BMI (Body Mass Index) that 97% of fitness and healthy eating programs are going to fail in as short as a 1-5yrs after weight loss.

Meaning the person will bounce back to their pre-diet weight or even be heavier than before.

Today’s show is about how to break the cycle of continual failure with dieting and how to set up a permanent weight loss solution with those who struggle.

In todays podcast interview, Felicity Cohen CEO of Weightloss Solutions Australia explains the different types of procedures that are available and who they are suited for.

She even takes a deep dive into explaining how there are very exciting procedures that are non permanent and no invasion to the tradition permeant types of procedures.

Felicity also shares how there are different procedures based on your BMI for example what is best for the person who wants to lose only 10-20kg, in comparison to 30-40kg and then those who want to lose 50+. Plus the specific surgical procedures that benefit  those who have a multitude of medical conditions (such as sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, are candidates for heart attacks or strokes).

For weight loss, many doctors try to push Duromine as a drug for weight loss. Besides this being just a band-aid solution it also creates a horrible addictions as it’s a drug like the street name ‘speed’. Also known to corrode the inside of your body and is shocking for your liver.

Though sadly many think just because the doctor has given it to you, you think it’s okay?

Couldn’t be further from the truth! ….It needs to band.

Let’s just say they are creating great ‘repeat business for patients’ as it needs to be prescribed. (okay I’ll get off my high horse now)

Take aways in todays show:

  • The different types of procedures available based on your goals and needs.
  • Most common fears and reservations candidates have when it comes to surgical procedures.
  • The importance of after-care.
  • Success stories of past patients.
  • How continually trying that next diet, time and time again is killing your self esteem.
  • The importance of permanent and sustainable outcomes that set people up for a healthier future
  • Felicity shares how she has witnessed many couples who have been trying to conceive a child and finally do after the chosen weight loss solutions.
Incredibly interesting interview.

Mentioned on the show:

Complimentary Nurse Consultation: Start the conversation and explore what produced would be best for you:


Weightloss Solutions Australia Website 


WLSA Instagram 


About Felicity Cohen:

Originally from Melbourne, Felicity is an experienced practice manager with a culturally rich background. She gained qualifications in Media Studies and Journalism from RMIT University in Melbourne and devoted her formative working years to media work in broadcast journalism, newspaper publications, writing, and sales and marketing. Felicity moved to Paris, France where she studied post graduate language and literature at the prestigious Sorbonne University. Her passion to learn French served her well and she finds the skill a great asset in assisting patients from New Caledonia and other French speaking countries.

Felicity has always led a healthy and active lifestyle and her commitment to helping others with their weight problems started when she returned to Australia more than 10 years ago.

She has in fact just celebrated her 10th anniversary with WeightLoss Solutions Australia’s surgical practice; and, she values the rich and rewarding experience she has had as practice manager over these years. She continues to exceed professional expectation in developing educational programs and resources at WeightLoss Solutions Australia and has been an integral part of the clinic’s success over the last decade.

She loves nothing more than witnessing the transition people make to leading happier and more fulfilling lives as a result of achieving sustained weight loss through surgery and healthy lifestyles. She constantly strives for improvement in the area of bariatric services and considers her work environment inspirational and motivating.

She takes personal pride in assisting patients with their goals to compete in the Noosa Triathlon every year and feels this event is an experience to remember for many patients who have a new lease on life following weight loss surgery. One of her fondest memories is of a young girl who attended one of our information nights in 2004, with her distraught and concerned parents, who went on to lose over 100 kg* and changed her quality of life for the better forever. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the practice or it services, Felicity is the person to talk to. She’s friendly, caring, and more than happy to assist patients of all weights and backgrounds.