Tag Archives: Clients

Do webinars work for selling high ticket items? with Annette Lackovic


“Do webinars work for selling high ticket items?”
Jennifer Miya

Today I answer a question about webinars.

Below are the 4 key things I cover in detail.

Also I have a free gift for you below, ‘How to create a 5 figure webinar’ infographic.

Today I step through 4 key points to help your webinar convert:

  • What a well-created webinar that sells looks like.
  • Numbers game – 10% close rate’ 25% show rate…
  • Sales funnel – what is it; why it works.
  • The importance of the webinar duration in comparison to the price point.

Get your free webinar gift here

Stay in contact with me here:
Facebook and Instagram page


📲Listen on iTunes – https://apple.co/2CLhLkh

Q & A Monday – Ask Annette anything… How do I get over the fear of a sales follow up phone call


Q&A Monday

Today’s question comes from Anna_flower

“How do I get over the fear of the phone for follow up sales calls? I am great face to face but when I have to make a follow-up call; I purposely get distracted doing other things so I can dodge doing them?”

Today I share 5 life-changing tips for if you have a fear of follow up calls. the first one I share is as doozy…its a total game changer and super simple to do.

Press play above ▶️


📲 Listen on iTunes – https://apple.co/3fYye2w 

Got any questions for me ? Feel free to drop it here 🙂

Stay in contact with me here:
Facebook and Instagram page

Q & A Monday – Ask Annette anything… “Is there an easy way to get testimonials from clients?”


Q&A Monday

Today Annette covers a question about ‘Testimonials’


“Annette, I heard Petar and you do a Facebook live of testimonials and how important they are to the sales process. I always find it hard in getting testimonials off clients, do you have any tips on this?”

– Katherine Geoffrey

Listen to Annette’s answer here on the easiest way she gets testimonials Press play above 🙂


📲 Listen  on iTunes – https://apple.co/2CUcw10


Got any questions for me? Feel free to drop it here

Stay in contact with me here:
Facebook and Instagram page