Tag Archives: baby boomers

Ep#27 – The Workplace ‘Generational’ Gap with Kayley Riddle


Gen Y? Gen X?… Baby boomers all under the one roof in the workplace, #GetMeOutOfHere!

How do you get a team who have a difference in age, not frustrate the hell out of each other?

Kayley, a People Engine expert, shares ‘The Generation Code’, on how to manage your team through the generational gap. How to work more effectively even though we all have different work ethics and values.

I’ve been there, where I was one of the youngest staff members who was managing what was probably 4 different generations all under the one roof! (totally oblivious of that too; I just loved my job at the time)

Today, Kayley shares the opinion in what they might have felt like, having a 21-yr old manage them, whom today are known as the baby boomers and here I was a little Gen X telling them what to do.

But now the tables have turned again and we have the Gen Y in the workforce and now I’m that 40-yr old trying to cope (ok maybe I’m a tad older). Goodness knows what the work ethic and values will be like when my Little Braxton is in the work force (known as the Gen Alpha) God help us! I hope I am very comfortably retired by that age…and healthy to enjoy it!


Check out the cool stuff we cover on today’s show:

  • How to communicate and collaborate with each other to reduce conflict
  • How to gain a competitive advantage with your team knowing how to connect with the different age gap.
  • Leading a team of generation and X and Gen Y.
  • The different between Gen X, Gen Y and Baby Boomers.
  • How your parents bought you up reflect some of your deep-seeded work beliefs.
  • How to grow your team through different types of profiling.
  • How to overcome challenges before they arrive, knowing your team’s individual strengths and weakness.
  • The power of using DISC through managing, adapting and driving your team.


Mentioned on show:

Unlocking the Workplace Generation Gap Instant Download
Business Heath Check
People Engine Website

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