Ep#37 Hot To Stop Meltdowns Using NLP


Where is an area in your life that turns you into a negative downward spiral?

Today’s episode will show you how to revel what your negative blueprint that creates those meltdown moments that you just don’t know how things get so bad

and rather how to swap your negative blueprint for your positive one.

We all run patterns. Our mindset patterns are the life-force of our success. It’s how we show up, it runs the captain of our ship… how we talk to ourselves.

Learning how to control your own mental domain is the keys toy for success in life.

Listen online scroll above to play
Listen on Itunes: https://goo.gl/Cu2HTa

Annette takes an audience member through an  NLP process to help you understand how to elect your positive blueprint and also your negative blueprint. Also how to swap them over to enable you into a better state of mind.

Let’s face it you cannot control your external world but what you can control is how you show up to the environment around you.

This episode is super cool, you will hear Annette take the audience through their own personal journey and also call up a brace audience member to join her on the stage.

You can hear EXACTLY how to do the process yourself.

Once you know the process you can also do it too.


Listen online scroll above to play
Listen on Itunes: https://goo.gl/Cu2HTa

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