Hello from Hamilton Island!

Hello from Hamilton Island!

I have to say Hamilton Island has been our favourite family holiday to date, hands down!

From snorkeling to swimming with a giant turtle, to accidentally swimming with a sting ray… 13323678_1094587117279996_7893457595254090525_oNO JOKE! It had me screaming and swimming away making a hell of a lot of noise, to then being safe on land holding a koala at their own Wildlife Park.

This ten-day escape has definitely delivered what I needed — ‘time out’ and being ‘in the moment’.

Which bring me to today’s Cashflow Candy interview with Ms. Time Management Queen herself all the way from USA, Dr. Sarah Reiff Hekking.

Allowing yourself to plan your success in EVERY area of your life is key for managing your happiness and what I believe we all need to truly bring the best version of ourselves to our business.

Personally I have the next big part of the year coming with a stack of new product launches, as we’ll as our Herpreneur Event plus the Billionaire Babes Mastermind retreat … I knew I needed to hit the RESET button.

Do you?

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